The UK’s leading live music tribute to George Harrison, Wimborne Tivoli Theatre, 27th October 2023wimborneThe Tivoli Theatre27/10/2023–27/10/2023 Music
The Sounds of the 60s show with The Zoots at Tivoli Theatre Wimbourne Wednesday 26th JulywimborneThe Tivoli Theatre26/07/2023–26/07/2023 Music
Royal Marines Band The OceaniareswimborneLayard Theatre15/02/2023–15/02/2023 ArtsMusicPerforming Arts
The Sounds of the 60s show with The Zoots Tivoli Theatre Thurs 15th SeptwimborneThe Tivoli Theatre15/09/2022–15/09/2022 Music
Circus Wonderland – Wimborne Showground, 27th – 31st JulywimborneWimborne Showground27/07/2022–31/07/2022 ArtsPerforming Arts